January, 2023#

Monday, 16/01/2023#

What I did today:

  • provided more information regarding the structure and overview for the github repository

  • computed the distributions of means for the mean diffusivity and fractional anisotropy data and plotted them using a violin plot

  • created Data analysis notebook and defined the learning problem (supervised) and task type (classification)

  • read in about SVM

To-do next time working on the project:

  • get a better understanding of SVM

  • get an idea of how to implement SVM in python

Tuesday, 17/01/2023#

What I did today:

  • read in about SVM and understood the underlying concept and logic

  • decided to use linearSVC as algorithm for the classification task

  • provided information in the Data analysis notebook on SVMs and linearSVC

To-do next time working on the project:

  • apply the logic of SVC to my data

  • read in about features and feature selection and apply to my data

  • get an idea of how to implement linearSVC in python (the structure of the pipeline)

Wednesday, 18/01/2023#

What I did today:

  • wrote a SVM pipeline in python (still needs to be further developed)

  • read about Logistic Regression and understood the underlying concept and logic

  • thought about how to implement Logistic Regression in python (the structure of the pipeline)

To-do next time working on the project:

  • compute a logistic regression pipeline in python

Friday, 20/01/2023#

What I did today:

  • computed a logistic regression pipeline in python for the first 5 brain regions

To-do next time working on the project:

  • compute a logistic regression pipeline in python for the remaining brain regions

  • provide more information on SVM and Logistic Regression in the Data analysis notebook

Wednesday, 25/01/2023#

What I did today:

  • merged content of main branch into update branch to now work on update branch

  • structured repo, moved notebooks into code folder

  • read in more on logistic regression

To-do next time working on the project:

  • compute a logistic regression pipeline in python

Thursday, 26/01/2023#

What I did today:

  • computed a logistic regression pipeline in python, restructred it

To-do next time working on the project:

  • plot logistic regression resullts

  • provide more information on logistic regression in the Data analysis notebook

  • restructre data analysis notebook

Friday, 27/01/2023#

What I did today:

  • provided more information on logistic regression in the Data analysis notebook

  • restructred data analysis notebook, specifically the logistic regression section

  • created ROC curve for logistic regression

  • failed to plot logistic regression results. The error message says that for the regplot function the input data must be 1-dimensional. For my y variable this was the case, for X it was not. I tried to reshape the X variable, but this did not work. I will try to fix this next time.

To-do next time working on the project:

  • plot logistic regression results

  • interpret ROC curve

  • provide more information on logistic regression in the Data analysis notebook

  • start with the SVM section in the Data analysis notebook

Monday, 30/01/2023#

What I did today:

  • provided more information on logistic regression in the Data analysis notebook

  • interpreted confusion matrix and evaluation measures

  • failed to plit logistic regression results; since there is no need to plot the results, I will not try to fix this anymore

To-do next time working on the project:

  • interpret ROC curve

  • finalise logistic regression section in the Data analysis notebook

  • start with the SVM section in the Data analysis notebook